The Special Account for Research Grants (S.A.R.G.)
of the Ionian University was established in 1988 in order to meet the need to manage research grants from various sources that are to be invested in research, educational, training, and developmental projects, as well as other related services or activities which contribute to the establishment of linkages between education, research and the production market.
The realization of these programmes is achieved with the collaboration of members of the academic and teaching staff of the Ionian University or/and the collaboration of specialists, visiting professors, research fellows, market executives, when and if this is considered necessary, according to the needs and the characteristics of each project. Postgraduate students and outside agents can also participate as research fellows. In some cases, graduate students can get involved in a project, as research assistants.
The President of the Research Committee and the Head of the Secretariat of the Special Account for Research Grants have the general supervision of the S.A.R.G. and are responsible for the effective function of all the Departments of the S.A.R.G. Secretariat.
Up to this day, the Ionian University S.A.R.G. has developed over 160 research projects and educational programmes financed by the European Committee, International Organisations, the General Secretariat for Research and Technology, ministries, banks, other state organisations, as well as private institutions. The Programmes are implemented by consortia formed through bilateral or multilateral transnational cooperations with universities, research centres and other institutions, in Greece, the European Union or third countries.
According to the Senate’s decision, the Ionian University S.A.R.G.’s proceeds are used for the students’ education, to finance other research projects and serve different purposes, such us the award of scholarships to postgraduate students.
Source: https://ionio.gr/