AUGUST 7-8-10-11 Piazzetta Chiesa Madre in Trepuzzi


AUGUST 7-8-10-11 Piazzetta Chiesa Madre in Trepuzzi will come alive with the most typical
and intense band rhythms, with the alternation on stage of some of the most interesting
contemporary band formations in Italy and incursions of street music.
💥🎉 Bandakdabra/Cambling Band/Flowtta Zigana/ Bandadriatica/Bandarisciò/Ottoni Animati/Takabum 💥🎉
These are the street bands that will colour the historic centre, with small itinerant routes and performances on stage.
Be ready to immerse yourselves in the most typical imagery of the contemporary band!
💥 Follow the programme
and book your seat at 380.2199684
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