✔️ΠΡΩΤΗ ΜΟΥΣΙΚΗ ΕΚΔΗΛΩΣΗ/ ΕΙΣΟΔΟΣ ΔΩΡΕΑΝ Πέμπτη, 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2022 στις 7:30 μ.μ., Trepuzzi στο Μοναστήρι…

Εναρκτήρια συνάντηση του Apollo Lands Project
Network of music and street bands to encourage innovation and contamination
The kick-off meeting of the project “Apollo Lands – Network for traditions and heritage in the music” was held on 18th October 2019 in Municipality of Acquaviva delle Fonti. The project APOLLO LANDS is financed under the 1st Call of Interreg V- A Greece – Italy Programme with total budget of 893.104,00 EUR.
Municipality of Acquaviva delle Fonti is the Lead Partner of the project. The two Italian partners are Municipality of Trepuzzi and Music Academy “Tito Schipa” of Lecce, while two Greek partners are Special Account of Research Grants of Ionian University and Municipality of Corfu.
The project APOLLO LANDS, funded within Axis 1 “Innovation and competitiveness”, aims to promote musical innovation through the creation of a network capable of supporting contamination between musical genres, combining historical bands and street bands with contemporary elements, in order to weld the link between tradition and modern contexts and increase the value of the community for the development of musical entrepreneurship. The objective of the project is to organize the exchange of skills, as well as to support integration and cross-border cooperation in the field of musical and street bands.
Thanks to the Apollo Lands project, it will be opened three Music Centres with the aim to act as a catalyst for ideas and to encourage the spontaneous aggregation of artists, entrepreneurs, associations and other stakeholders from the world of music. The Music Centres will be the place where activities of different nature will be organized, starting from musical researches and the exchanges of knowledge about music, to the meetings between operators in the world of music promotion, press offices and critics, up to the matching between musicians, performers and managers of theatres, clubs and locations of various kinds where to perform, without neglecting the cultural contamination between various artists of different musical genres resulting from the sharing of common places.